I Am Eyeborg: Rob Spence on Singularity 1 on 1

Socrates /

Posted on: November 21, 2010 / Last Modified: December 15, 2021

Today I am very happy to have the Eyeborg Rob Spence as my guest on Singularity 1 on 1. (As usual, you can listen to or download the audio above, or scroll down to see the video recording of the interview in full.)

Rob Spence is a Canadian director and producer who lives in Toronto. His work has appeared on Discovery, Vision, Space TV, and the CBC for which he made the controversial documentary Let’s All Hate Toronto. Currently, Rob is working on a documentary about how video and humanity intersect especially with regards to issues of surveillance and personal privacy.

Who is Rob Spence? What is project Eyeborg?

Take a one-eyed filmmaker, an unemployed engineer, and a vision for something that’s never been done before and you have yourself the EyeBorg Project. Rob Spence, Kosta Grammatis, and a team of others are trying to make history by embedding a video camera and a transmitter in a prosthetic eye. That eye is going in Rob’s eye socket and will record the world from a perspective that’s never been seen before.

The Singularity 1 on 1 Interview:

Below is my video interview with the Eyeborg Rob Spence in 4 parts. During our 40 min conversation, I get Rob to share his views on a wide variety of topics such as project Eyeborg, documentary film making, advanced prosthetics, artificial intelligence, transhumanism, the technological singularity, and others.

Check it out and don’t hesitate to let me know what you think…

(Please let me apologize for the poor video quality. Unfortunately, that is the risk one takes when recording on Skype. Fortunately, the sound is pretty good so it is still worth watching and/or hearing…)


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